Lightfinder Blog

Single and Not Looking to Mingle

Single and Not Looking to Mingle

From the publicist’s mouth. Sharing my short, personal interview (end of article) from Yahoo News would be more interesting on National Marrygarita Day than on #ValentinesDay. “I believe in love; I believe love is what we’re here for,” she...

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Just Call Me Grayce

Just Call Me Grayce

Several years ago, I changed my nickname from “Tracy” to “Grayce.” I’ve conjured it my entire life for those wondering about the name change. I never imagined that I would change my name. However, after being gifted a sound frequency...

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Ancestral Reflections

Ancestral Reflections

“The Biggest Problem in Communication Is the Illusion That It Has Taken Place” #GeorgeBernardShaw “A daughter of a King of Ireland, heard A voice singing on a March Eve like this, And followed half awake and half asleep, Until she came into the Land of...

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An artist is defined as “A person engaged in one or more of any broad spectrum of activities related to creating art, practicing the arts and demonstrating an art. Artists come in all shapes and colors. One might be a portrait artist, the next a musician…to...

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You’ve come a long way #Baby

You’ve come a long way #Baby

Pre-Birthday ‪#‎Bukowskings‬ 😉 MY Laughing Heart Your life is your life don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission. be on the watch. there are ways out. there is light somewhere. it may not be much light but it beats the darkness. be on the watch. the gods will...

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Open to the Light

Open to the Light

Word for thought. If your heart and mind can remain conscious and open to the light and truth of change, your life will be more like a melody. A flowing river. Swim with the current. Become the wave. Swing like you did as a child. BE the Light.

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US wartime pilot: How I grew to love Japan

US wartime pilot: How I grew to love Japan

Today is the 70th anniversary of WWII. Please take a moment to honor the men and women who have served our country, and those who still serve our country in the armed forces. This is a wonderful BBC story about my client, retired Captain Jerry Yellin, who had the...

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